Memory Representation of Stacks

In this article, we'll take a look at the various methods to represent stacks in memory.
There are two ways to represent stacks in memory:
  1. Array representation (Static data structure)
  2. Linked list representation (Dynamic data structure)

Array representation of Stacks

Stacks may be represented in the computer in various ways, usually by means of a one-way list or a linear array. Unless otherwise stated or implied, each of our stacks will be maintained by a linear array STACK;a pointer variable TOPwhich contains the location of the top element of the stack; and a variable MAXSTK which gives the maximum number of elements that can be held by the stack. The condition TOP = 0 or  TOP = NULL will indicate that the stack is empty.

Memory Representation of Stacks
Memory Representation of Stacks

1. Insertion in Stack

Algorithm: (Insert an element into Stack.) PUSH(STACK, TOP, MAXSTK, ITEM).
This algorithm pushes an ITEM onto a stack.
If TOP = MAXSTK, then: Print: OVERFLOW, and Exit.
Step II: Set TOP := TOP + 1. [Increases TOP by 1.]
Step III: Set STACK[TOP] := ITEM. [Inserts ITEM in new TOP position.]
Step IV: Exit.

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2. Deletion

Algorithm: (Delete element from Stack.) POP(STACK, TOP ITEM).
This algorithm deletes the top element of STACK and assigns it to the variable ITEM.

If TOP = NULL, then: Print: UNDERFLOW, and Exit.
Step II: Set ITEM := STACK[TOP]. [Assigns TOP element to ITEM.]
Step III: Set TOP := TOP – 1. [Decreases TOP by 1.]
Step IV: Exit.

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