The for loop:

The for loop is another form of looping statement which is the most versatile, convenient and popular of the three loop structure available in C. It is used in those situations when the programmer knows in advance the number of times a statement or statement block will be executed. In this loop, the loop control elements are gathered in one place, while in other loops they are scattered over the program and difficult to understand. The for allows us to specify three things about a loop in a single line:
1.      An expression that specifies an initial value for loop counter. For example: i=0;.
2.      A testing expression that determine whether the loop counter has reached the number of repetitions               desired by the condition. For example:
       i < 5; i >= 5; i< = 6;
3.      A third condition that allows the loop counter to be modified at the end of each pass.

General Syntax:
                        for ( initialize counter ; test counter ; increment counter )
                                    body of loop;

For Example:
                        for ( i=0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
                                    printf ( “\n Hello”);


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