Desirable Program Characteristics:

There are different ways for designing a program. A well written program is essential as it solves a number of problems that would arise later. Some of the important characteristics desired for well written computer programs:
  1. Clarity: The program should be written clearly. It should be possible for another programmer to follow the program logic without any effort. The programmer himself must be able to follow his or her own program first after being away from an extended period of time.
  2. Accuracy: The calculations should be accurate. All other properties will be meaningless if calculations are not carried out accurately.
  3. Simplicity: Clarity and accuracy are enhanced by keeping the things simple. It is desire able to sacrifice certain amount of computational efficiency in order to maintain the simplicity.
  4. Efficiency: Execution Speed and efficient memory utilization are the important ingredients of efficiency.
  5. Modularity: Breaking down of programs into small modules in order to increase the clarity and accuracy of the program is known as modularity.
  6. Generality: The program should be general within reasonable limits. Placing fixed values into the programs is not good programming practice. The program should be such that values entered by the user should be used in the program.

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