Data Input and Output:

The three essential feature of a program are entering the data, applying the logic to the program (i.e. processing the data) and printing or displaying the data in a certain format. This processed data can be represented either in a formatted or unformatted forms.
   The data is provided to the program variables by either assigning some values to the variables like a=3 ete. or entering by the keyboard using scanf() function or other input functions. For printing the data, we have printf() function available to us in C language.

   The C language includes a number of library functions that include a number of I/O (input/output) functions. An input/output function can be accessed from anywhere within a program simply by writing the function name, followed by optional list of arguments enclosed in parenthesis. In C we have a many library input/output functions. All these functions declarations and other related information is stored in stdio.h header file.

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