
A constant specifies a value that appears directly in a program. Its value doesn’t change during the program execution. Constants are used to create values that are assigned to variables, used in expressions or passed to methods.
            The constants can be classified as integer constants, floating- point constants, character constant, string constants. All these constants are group under primary constants. In addition, we can also have secondary constants. These include constants for representing arrays, structures, pointer, union, enum etc.
Example of integer constants:
10; 013; 772
Example of character constant:
‘A’; ‘S’; ‘X’;
Example of String Constant:
An escape sequence is regarded as a single character and is therefore a valid character constant.
Some common escape sequence are:

Escape Sequence                                           Character

  • \n                                                                     Newline
  • \t                                                                      Horizontal Tab
  • \r                                                                      Carriage Return
  • \a                                                                     beep
  • \xhh                                                                 Hexadecimal Notation

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